Thursday, April 23, 2009

Results and a day.

 Duality, or continuity, or synchronicity or whatever you feel like calling it at the time or place...well it has a big place in my heart. These things are easy to overlook, or over emphasize. In a smallish or bigish city(whicher you find Atlanta to be). You can spend a day sharing your space within a crowd of people so homogenous that it makes you feel like you never left highschool, or run into all sorts of weirdo's that make you realize this isn't kansas anymore.
 And then there are days like today where there is a bit more magic in the air.... where you could leave but not get anywhere, when well either kansas supplies you with the unexpected, or when the big city feels like a small village. 
 The stars had to truly align to bring these two grins together. Wearing no brakes t shirts on the same day. While only one rides a keirin bicycle on the daily, the other a vintage scooter. Both with day of the dead sleeves(done by two different artists with their own interesting and storied histories). Both on the porch of the Local on a beautiful day finished off just right with a few beers right before the weather turns. A day of bringing people together with nothing and everything in common.
 As to the promised breakdown of last nights racing well...
 Warm ups felt a little bit more stable than weeks past. But with another mini scare in the beginning as a disk wheel slipped down track but was recovered.
 C's started out with a 5 lap scratch which Bobby Costello took easily. Winning a pair of cycling sunglasses.(Prizes have rightly become a more standard addition to the usual wednesday racing!) 

 B's scratch got going and then held up a bit with the sprinters saving up for the final lap. Was a very hairy cluster with a bunch of big sprinters going for it. 

 A's i didn't really pay attention to the whole night sorry.

 Unknown distance  went 11 laps for B's(about the same if not exactly as the C's so it pays to pay attention) It went on to be discussed that an unknown is ALLWAYs an odd number? Interesting explanation-less and true. Heavy pace, lots of false breaks and I just tried to stay in the top half at all times and hot on the tail of any break, ended up being a good enough strategy to grab me a 4th.

 The wheelrace ended up a sprint between a group of C's and B's with the A's needing another lap to be able to close the gap.

 The night ended with long points race for all groups. My goal was to not get lapped and make a couple of smart moves, one ended up being smart, the other not so much. Got some points but not enough to place in points for the whole race.

 Afterwards beers and pizza at OZ(I had forgotten how delicious there pizza was down to the very crust, almost sourdoughy in an amazing way)

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