Sunday, July 20, 2008

Been out of the game

For some time now. Been working as a wrench at a scooter shop on top of the usual wrenching for the bikeshop. Pedaling into work learning to enjoy riding for ridings sake again. Not looking at the bike as a paycheck. I can still come out and drop some packages on Mondays, however the week is usually so busy that I've got little left in me to make it worth even coming out. Plus it's summer so it's not even really worth coming out. And then you realize there is a few nipples that need tweaking(lame joke) and I don't make it out. Well I'm going to try and make it out tommorow, it'll be good for me and good for these fucking rookies to catch some shit. By the time I get annoyed at them and I don't even have to see them, then you know they need to get yelled at or something.
Speaking of rookies, now I am one in another field. While self evaluation always leads to self flattery. I would hope that I don't profess to be the scooter wrenching master after only a short while dealing with the horribly designed beasts for only a short time. Would I open up a scooter shop knowing only having a shallow understanding of the industry. Now then why would two rookies both with less than a year of experience want to start a courier collective? Doesn't that seem a bit cocky. Well thats what is happening, and to top it off the least experienced of the two has snaked work out from under Justin who has worked out there ten times as long as this particular rookie.
Well maybe bad ideas have a way of sorting themselves out and I should stop caring about it, it's not my business(pun) anymore.

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