Tuesday, March 31, 2009


The actual word should be armistice. 
 I believe that cyclists everywhere should call to an armistice of the rim wars. 700c carbon rims are now coming in at over 100mm tall. With ERD's in the 420's they are quickly approaching the halfway point between hub and tread. Therefore I would like to impose an arbitrary number and say enough is enough, if you want to go any deeper, let's cut these poor spokes out of the equation. Not only are is the region of carbon fiber at war... but the alloy front is no less secure. Companies are one upping each other. If we let the situation continue to run out of hand the only assurance will be mutual annihilation. 
 So in closing I propose standardization. No 700c rim should be any deeper than to yield an erd below 430(or looking at it another way no rim depth above 110). If you are wrongly convinced that you need more aero advantage than you must go ahead and get a disk. And when you find out that you aren't fast enough for rims that aero or disks that sweet well there is a conversion waiting for your leftovers. The more touchy task will be dividing the line between carbon and alloy. Unlike the carbon rim/disk divide which is a sharp cutoff point. I propose a no mans land between the alloy and carbon camps. And I say that rim depths in the 40s are a toss up. Both sides should fully entrench themselves in the 30's and 50s respectively but should know that any trespass into the others territory will be short-lived and mainly inconsequential in the long war ahead. 

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