Thursday, April 2, 2009

First Race of Season.

Last night at the track... Held on and didn't get lapped in the first two races of the night. This may not seem like a big deal, but for me when racing with the B's towards the end of the last season, I'd usually get lapped by the end of the second race.
Paceline...first of the season with most of the B riders. Pretty disjointed as far as pace but safe at least.
Race one of the night...Ten or maybe 5? lap scratch. Turn 2 Fran(I think is his name) comes unclipped as he starts to sprint. I thought he was about to go down, somehow he kept it up. Everyone regrouped, an by the time we cranked it back up it felt pretty natural. Finished 9th out of a field of 16.
Second race, unkown distance. Tight group with a few mini breakaways. Bridged a gap at some point. Josh Frank went for a jump and I followed with a good gap on the field, he didn't realize it was me and didn't fall in...Brushed elbows with Bill Thomsen at some point in as polite a way as possible. After the failed break with Josh, it was just me trying to catch back up to the group.
The third and traditionally longest race of the night, I sneaked a point in at lap 20, and didn't have any left in me for the next ten laps, so I hit the infield.
All in all, better then my worst performances of last year, and in fact towards the better end. With a bit of training I could be not getting lapped throughout the whole night by the middle of the season.

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